Professional property management is a service for rental property owners who do not have the time, know-how, or inclination to manage all or a portion of what’s involved in operating a rental property. The benefits of having a property manager are many. A property manager handles everything from preparing your rental property and finding a tenant, to managing tenant relations and overseeing property repairs and maintenance. The daily operations of a rental real estate investment can be time consuming and stressful. A successful manager is one that is detail oriented, able to deal with stressful situations and is versed in issues that may go wrong in a property.
Lindsay Leasing – Professional Property Management
At Lindsay Leasing you will have two professionals representing you and your property. Your rental agent handles all facets related to leasing your property. Your property manager handles all property-related issues. This separation of duties ensures you have the most qualified individual working on your behalf. Either individual is also experienced at each others responsibilities and is always available as a back up in time sensitive situations.
Property Preparation
There is much work at hand before renting a property. First we evaluate what needs to be done and how to best position the property for maximum returns. All property specifications, utilities, warranties and other pertinent information is documented. The owner’s online portal, accounting, and electronic banking is setup. In addition to determining the scope of work, Lindsay Leasing can assist with vendors and project management. Finally, we transition the property into the rental market and begin the next phase—finding a tenant.
Tenant Procurement
Once a property is prepared properly, we start the tenant procurement process. Finding a qualified tenant involves several steps. We begin by photographing and marketing the property. By pre-qualifying all prospective tenants we reduce the burden and inconvenience on existing tenants and waste less time. Once we have someone who is interested, our online rental application makes it convenient for applicants to apply. Background and credit checks are performed in-house to minimize turn-around time. After an applicant is screened and approved by you we start the paperwork. We handle the lease, HOA applications, taxes, and move-in documentation.
Tenant Management
Property managers have seen and heard it all and are experts at dealing with issues such as late rent payments, requests to terminate early, unapproved home modifications, and security deposit claims. An owner that is not willing to deal with the stress of managing a tenant should consider a property manager. In the long run a good manager will minimize the risk of issues and may even save an owner money in the long run.
Repairs and Maintenance
Property managers are the owner’s eyes and ears. They work with vendors to remedy issues in a timely manner so that tenants are happy and hopefully renew their lease. Typically managers have many vendors they work with on a regular basis. At Lindsay Leasing our vendors are terrific. They are appropriately licensed and insured, affordable and provide a level of service that is above the rest.
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